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Work Flow

Portfolios are constructed using a structured yet flexible process which aims at building robust and innovative investment solutions aligned to both market conditions and clients’ interests.

We use our in-house fundamental and quantitative research and we leverage our relationships with investment banks and brokers to form an investment and factor model which can be be applied to any economic environment.

An individual asset allocation for each client is the most important decision in building a robust and performing portfolio. We align the construction process to the client’s interest by outlining the mix of investment products and selection of factors, i.e. criteria to be considered when selecting and managing the clients asset.

The investment universe of that portfolio in terms of a bottom-up master list is determined. Bonds, stocks, investment funds and other securities are identified according to the factors and other restrictions such as geographic, sectoral, domicile or currency related limitations.

A plain vanilla portfolio is created by selecting the actual investment mix, based a weighted review of the factors for individual securities, including criteria of diversification and market timing.

Ad-hoc investment opportunities or specific investment themes can be incorporated into the portfolio, as satellite investments or for tactical reasons.

Hedging strategies can be either an integral part of the portfolio or can be dynamically added to the portfolio. Measures of active risk adjustments and risk mitigation can be applied by applying foreign exchange forwards, index overlays or using derivatives.